Fuerte Bulnes, Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile by Jorge Benavente
Punta Arenas, Chile, 21 de abril de 2010 by schoenstattpuntaarenas
Bernardo O'Higgins National Park, Patagonia by Philip Game
Via Crucis 2012 - Punta Arenas by schoenstattpuntaarenas
Celebración de los 100 años de Schoenstatt, oct.2014 by schoenstattpuntaarenas
Atacama Desert and vicinity-Chile by Mark Gibbens
Chile 07.02.2017 by Leif Tobias
Chilean Museum of Precolumbian Art by Brian McMorrow
The Glacier by Peiying Mo
Chiloe Island by Stew Gitlin
Islas en gris by Ricardo L.
Volcan Osorno et Frutillar by Cyril PREISS