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Tony Yu | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Tony Yu
Name Tony Yu (joined 03-Jun-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username tonyyu516
Personal URL
Location Hong Kong
Hong Kong
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View Galleries : Tony Yu has 0 galleries and 2555 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2802629 times.

View Guestbook : 129 messages. Most recent on 13-Mar-2009.

Message from Tony Yu
Tony Yu spent most of his career years as a professional photographer in Hong Kong, producing images for large multinational corporations, public companies, consulates, celebrities, tycoons, high profile political figures in Hong Kong. Tony continues to be an active professional photographer today.

Tony's love for the nature, landscape and sports photography has grown throughout the years, and he attributes this as an art form to express his inner feelings about the world around him.
Tony has set his goals to ceaselessly improving his craft and promote the art of photography in Hong Kong through coaching, seminars and numerous field activities.

Tony has had his footsteps in the major cities, rural villages and remote areas in China since 1990s. Through his vision and cameras, Tony captured tons of images showing the social and environmental changes throughout stages of economic development in the Mainland.

Tony¡¦s work has appeared in a variety of Chinese and English international magazine.
You are most welcome to visit some of his works at &

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Web Site :©z

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